Our Courses

Credit Recovery

$ 85 Beginning Monthly Rate

  • Retake Classes
  • Get Better Grades
  • Get Graduation Credits
  • Increase Your GPA
  • Learn More

Virtual And In Person Classes

$120 Beginning Monthly Rate

  • Individualized Core Classes
  • Advance and Honors Courses
  • Virtual and In-Person Learning
  • Small group sessions
  • Learn More

Career And College Development

$175 Beginning Monthly Rate

  • Small Group Sessions
  • Instruction By Experts
  • Enrichment And fun
  • Full Year Skill Development
  • Learn More
CFEG Registration Process

Step 1: Start Registration

Submit $120 registrar fee payment.

Register here

Step 2: Provide Student Documentation

Complete student assessment. Submit Application here

Step 3: Discuss Learning Plan

Learn in person or virtually or both.

Step 4: Provide School Information

Enter school details and upload a transcript.

Step 5: Enroll Direct Your Learning

Submit tuition and schedule orientation.